Supplements That Can Help Moms Manage Mood Swings

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How to avoid mood swings from endangering your relationships at home

As happy as we are about our profession as a mother, moms are often stressed, overworked, under budgeted, and most times unhappy. Some moms might have mood swings that can confuse their children and partner. What we don’t often realize is that it might be our body that causes our mood swings and not our “situation” at home. Mood swings can often be attributed to a vitamin and mineral deficiency. To correct this, supplements are often required, on top of a prescribed diet. Probably the best supplements to use for mood swings are multivitamins, particularly those that contains the following:

Vitamin B complex

Most people lack sufficient B vitamins in their diets. These are important for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation of the adrenal glands. They are also very essential nutrients that help relieve symptoms associated with mood swings, specifically those caused by withdrawal from caffeine and sugar. Furthermore, the B-complex family is excellent for helping stressed-out nerves, something that many people with mood swings suffer from.

Food Sources: Eggs, dark green vegetables, fish, grains, lean meat, mushrooms…


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. It’s a very useful supplement and is best for people who suffer from mood swings. It enhances the adrenal functions and stimulates the metabolism of the liver.

Food Sources: Oranges, red peppers, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries, grapefruit,guava…

Try: Supplements That Can Help Moms Manage Mood Swings 1

Vitamins A and E

These two vitamins are fat-soluble, which means they will be stored in the body, particularly the liver. They are both antioxidants, capable of enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself. Both vitamins are important for helping increase the body’s immunity against bacterial invasion.

Food Sources: Beef Liver, carrots, sweet potato, kale, spinach, broccoli, butter, eggs.


Chromium is one of the essential minerals that many people have a deficiency of. It helps stabilize the levels of sugar in the blood, very useful if someone has mood swings. The amount usually found in multivitamins is usually enough to correct any deficiencies present.


Fiber is a very important component of any diet. It comes in the form of roughage such as bran and wheat. It is also found in some fruits and vegetables. Other than the fact that fiber regulates the bowel movement, it also helps control the rate of sugars that enter the bloodstream. This helps avoid the danger of hyperglycemia, which is characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood, a condition that often leads to weakness and mood swings.

Fiber also has many advantageous functions in the body, such as:

– preventing reabsorption of cholesterol
– lowering the levels of blood fat
– detoxifying the colon
– preventing the absorption of fungal and bacterial matter into the bloodstream
– preventing the absorption of toxins

Using multivitamins

Other than fiber, a good multivitamin is one of the best supplements for mood swings. Multivitamins contain a combination of the most important nutrients needed by the human body in the correct dosage. However, just because the label says ‘multivitamins’ does not automatically mean it is complete. Some multivitamins contain only nutrients that are commonly missed, such as the B vitamins, calcium, zinc and magnesium while others may focus more on providing antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C and E.

When taking multivitamins, try to determine your nutritional supplement needs first. Check your diet to identify which vitamins and minerals you lack. It would also help if you consider symptoms (mood swings is a sign that you lack certain vitamins) and then determine which nutritional supplements are best for managing it.


Supplements That Can Help Moms Manage Mood Swings 2

Just remember, though, that these are supplements and are meant to correct deficiencies. Foods are still the best sources of vitamins and minerals. Many cases of mood swings are caused by deficiencies and can be easily corrected by the proper diet.

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