Make Spicy Tawilis Sardines with your Pressure Cooker

Have some ready to eat preserved but healthy meal for anyone who’s hungry and needs to eat right now. Tawilis sardines makes a great Filipino breakfast, you can eat it on its own with mounds of rice, or make it into a spread. You can also use it for a basic Tawilis Pasta. It’s very […]
Gourmet in a Bottle: How To Cook Baby Bangus Sardines For Selling

Cooking baby bangus (milkfish) sardines for selling can be a profitable business venture, especially if you are able to produce high-quality, delicious and well-presented sardines that customers love. So here is a guide on how to cook baby bangus sardines for selling. Bangus is probably one of the cheapest fish in the market here in […]
Gourmet in A Bottle: Gourmet Tuyo Recipe -Step by Step Guide

Learn how to make Gourmet Tuyo Recipe (dried herring) with this step-by-step guide for selling and home use with a step by step guide. This is also a great Pinoy Recipe for Christmas gifts! Gourmet Tuyo is a uniquely Philippine cuisine and a staple for Filipino breakfast. Jump to recipe. One of my numerous ventures, […]
Slow-Cooked Spanish Style Adobong Bangus Sardines

This is a rice busting slow-cooked recipe. So yummy Adobong Bangus is in the house! Perfect for breakfast, Bangus Dip, and Adobong Bangus Sardines Spaghetti. Jump to recipe. I always did the tomato version of this recipe using baby bangus (by Connie Veneracion of Ifoodala Food Group in FB) but have not tried this one […]
Gourmet Tuyo Recipe

I discovered gourmet tuyo maybe about a decade ago. There was this one stall in Megamall that Paolo would delicately steer me out of every time were passing by. Its called Connies Kitchen and their bottled deli products are just to die for. I used to try and reverse engineer their products all the time. The bottled dulong, bottled daing, tinapa, bangus in corn oil, and of course, the gourmet tuyo.