We’re all constantly on the journey of getting our sh*t together.
When we start juggling one of the life’s curveballs, another ball drops out of the sky to mess everything up.
Whether you miscalculated your menstrual period before a bae-cation or stood up your dinner date, tasks never quite sync up as masterfully as an iTunes playlist.
Don’t wait until you’re running late to finally get your life in order.
By keeping the right apps in rotation, you can put keep your 2018 goals in check.
If you have a ton of sh*t to do and don’t have a personal assistant.

However,Wunderlist helps you create shareable, smart lists for planning that last-minute work event or grocery list.
You can even jot down your homework assignments and arrange them by due date. That way, you’ll never show up to class empty-handed.
If you’re a coffee snob and a Keurig won’t cut it.

This app allows you to drop money for a future caffeine high, as well as search your local baristas.
If you want your daily news feed specifically catered to your interests.

If you can never remember when your period comes.

Best part? It’ll send you a heads up when Aunt Flo is arriving.
If you’re too lazy to open up another app.

This relatively popular app allows users to create “recipes” that connect their favorite social channels and simultaneously share across all channels.
So until all these networks find a better way to share, this is the genius social media app you needed.
If you keep running out of money before your next paycheck.

So, while we’d like to forget about the tab we racked up while wasted, Mint makes sure that extra $100 never goes unnoticed.
Struggling with student loans? Mint helps you focus on paying Sallie Mae back, not paying for shots.
If scheduling a wax is the last thing on your to-do list.

Keep this handy app handy when winter wears off and you’re rushing to get a bikini wax.
If Tinder keeps f*cking up your compatibility.

Plug in your birthdate, your dating age requirements and six traits about yourself. The rest is magical.
However, if you live outside of LA, NYC or San Francisco Bay Area, you’ll have to stick to matching on Bumble.
If you’re still tired after eight hours of sleep.

Keep this app awake to better understand when it’s time to work hard and sleep hard.
H/T: Elite Daily