Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review: A Scandalous Delight

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Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review: Penelope Featherington Gets Everything And We’re Not Mad!

Oh, dear readers, the ton is abuzz with the latest happenings in “Bridgerton” Season 3 Part 2, and I must say, it does not disappoint! This season continues to deliver the perfect blend of romance, scandal, and opulence that we’ve come to expect from the series. If you thought the first part of the season was thrilling, brace yourselves for an even more exhilarating ride.

(Note: there are some spoilers so if you havent watched them yet, you can stop here if you dont wanna be spoiled. But otherwise, carry on!)

Plot and Themes

Right. So the Season 3 Part 2 picks up right where we left off, with the Bridgerton family navigating the treacherous waters of high society. This season, the spotlight shines brightly on the neighbor Penelope Featherington, and her journey is nothing short of transformative. From a woman’s perspective, this season is all about choices and as a writer myself, I deeply appreciate how they handled the entire Lady Whistledown subject.

The themes of love, duty, and societal expectations (and uhmm -threesomes?!) are explored in greater depth, with each character facing their own unique challenges. The writers have done a commendable job of weaving these themes into the storyline, making it both relatable and thought-provoking.

What happened?

After that breathless carriage scene from the first part of Season 3 where we left off, we see more of Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) and her secret life as Lady Whistledown. Her relationship with Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) takes center stage, and their chemistry is simply electric. The tension and eventual resolution of their storyline are sure to leave fans swooning.

A particularly steamy and symbolic scene involves Penelope and Colin consummating their relationship in front of a mirror. yes my dears, a mirror! How particularly scintillating is that?! This scene, set to an orchestral version of Ariana Grande’s “POV,” is not just about physical intimacy but also represents Penelope’s journey towards self-acceptance and confidence. The use of mirrors throughout the season underscores themes of self-reflection and identity.

Hyacinth Bridgerton, played by the talented Florence Hunt, truly comes into her own. Her character arc is both inspiring and heartwarming, as she navigates the complexities of love and societal expectations. She finally marries John Stirling in a no-fuss affair and they decide to move to Scotland. This decision is a a bit hard for Violet Bridgerton, who is reluctant to see her daughter move so far away but she seems to be distracted by an oncoming love affair herself.

One of the most distracting subplot during the entire season though is Benedict Bridgerton’s exploration of his bisexuality. He engages in a threesome with Lady Tilley and Paul, marking a pivotal moment for his character. Like Lady Whistledown, I’m stopping myself from saying anything further exept poor Lady TIlley. You had it coming! 😞 I’m sure this development will have lasting implications for future seasons, as it adds depth to Benedict’s journey of self-discovery.


The performances this season are top-notch. Nicola Coughlan continues to impress as Penelope, delivering a nuanced performance that captures the character’s inner turmoil and strength. And she is so beautiful to look at! Gosh, I’m having woman envy with those amazing breasts. Opps. Florence Hunt shines as Hyacinth, bringing a perfect blend of innocence and determination to her role. I think her character did not translate well from the books but I love her nonetheless!

Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton is charming as ever, and his chemistry with Coughlan is out of this world! The supporting cast, including the ever-dashing Jonathan Bailey as Anthony Bridgerton and the elegant Phoebe Dynevor as Daphne, also deliver stellar performances, adding depth and richness to the story.

Overall, I love the character arcs and the emotional depth of the show and this is my most favorite season, I think. (with Season 1 following second). While some viewers have noted that certain plot points felt a bit rushed, and there were calls for more screen time for fan-favorite characters like Eloise Bridgerton (Claudia Jessie), I think it did rather great!

The slow-burn romance between Penelope and Colin finally comes to fruition and although indeed, there were some problems along the way, their chemistry is undeniable, and their love story is both sweet and passionate. Kyahhhh!

Penelope Featherington’s Triumphant Evolution

Penelope’s evolution is the heart of Season 3. She transforms from a wallflower into a confident, assertive woman who is unafraid to pursue her desires. I love how she learns to value herself and embrace her talents. The way she navigates her dual identity as Lady Whistledown and Penelope is masterful, and her growth is a joy to watch.

One of the most gripping moments is when Penelope finally reveals her identity as Lady Whistledown and it marks a significant turning point for her character. We’re all rooting for her as she finally steps into her own power, both as Lady Whistledown and as a woman in love. I love the conclusion to her arc!

Oh, lest I forget, Eloise and Penelope are getting back together. Huhuhuhu. The friendship between Eloise and Penelope has always been a cornerstone of the series. I actually breathed a big sigh of relief at their reconciliation. It was heartfelt and beautifully executed and not corny at all. Apologies to Cressida, I’m sure her story is equally important as a symbol of the regular woman who uses anything in her grasp to fight but did I hate her! While Eloise’s character continues to challenge societal norms and expectations, her support for Penelope, despite the initial betrayal, highlights her progressive mindset and loyalty. Eloise remains a flag bearer of independence and strength.

Speaking of Cressida, we may not have seen the last of her yet! Cressida’s character arc in this season is complex. She starts as a major antagonist, attempting to blackmail Penelope by claiming to be Lady Whistledown. Too bad her schemes fail, and she faces the consequences of her actions, being sent away to live with her cruel aunt. Cressida’s storyline hints at potential redemption and I may or may not be excited for it. 😅

Visuals and Production

Visually, “Bridgerton” remains a feast for the eyes. The lavish costumes, stunning sets, and intricate details transport viewers back to the Regency era. The production quality is impeccable, with each scene meticulously crafted to enhance the storytelling.

To watch or not to watch?

“Bridgerton” Season 3 Part 2 is a delightful continuation of the series. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the series, this season is sure to captivate and entertain. So, grab your tea, settle in, and prepare to be swept away by the world of Bridgerton.

What did you think of Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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