How to make homemade yogurt using powdered milk

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Easy homemade yogurt. Use your own flavor!

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I am always looking for ways to extend my budget and making my own yogurt at home is a great way to conserve money. My kids are always requesting for flavored yogurts and they’re a bit too costly for me.

This process is easy and you only need a heater of some sort to make the yogurt. You don’t need expensive starters either. I use the Nestle unflavored yogurt to start the process. PS, if you’re looking for Milk Kefir, which is very much like yogurt, click here.

How to make homemade yogurt using powdered milk 1

Homemade Yogurt Recipe

What You Will Need:

Whichever of these: Oven / Toaster Oven / Icebox / Cooler


  • 1 1/2 cup milk powder
  • 4 cups warm water (slightly hot -you can put your finger on it and count 1 -5 before you can’t take it any more)
  • 1 small Nestle Yogurt


  1. Prepare and reconstitute your milk. better to blend it but you can just shake it.
  2. Make sure milk is still a bit warm (But not so hot that it would kill the live bacteria on the yogurt). 115 degrees if you have a thermometer.
  3. Mix the yogurt and milk.
  4. Turn on your oven to the ON setting but not set to any temperature. If using icebox, fill icebox with hot water up to middle.
  5. Put in your milk jars with yogurt and milk mix. Cover and check after 4 hours. I leave it over night but 4 – 6 hours should be enough.
  6. Mix your yogurt to make it thicker. Sometimes I add a sprinkle of jelly powder when its runny.
  7. Flavor it with a tbsp of vanilla and fruit jams or jellies. My favorite is mango!
  8. Enjoy!


You can reserve a half cup as a seed for your next batch. You can use full cream milk if that’s what you have. Can also be used for dishes that require yogurt! If you have a bit of water on top, you can just throw it away, or drink it if you want. It’s whey and supposed to have probiotic properties. You can also freeze it and make it frozen yogurt. ;)

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How to make homemade yogurt using powdered milk 2

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