Maya Chocolate Fudge Orange Cupcake

Maya Chocolate Fudge Orange Cupcake
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This Maya Chocolate Fudge Orange Cupcake was shared by Chef Jessie’s niece at the Culinary Elite Cooking Class at The Maya Kitchen for their Filipino Christmas Table

I love cooking and I’m a very adventurous cook. I love experimenting with food and recipes. One thing I don’t experiment with though, are cakes and cupcakes. They’re still very exciting to make even if you dont get to experiment. The challenge is how to make the measurements as exact as possible.

This Maya chocolate fudge for example. I tried cooking it once but I fell short on the chocolate fudge.  I think I got it wrong on the dark chocolate percentage because I just used the one I had currently on hand. :P

The dark chocolate percentage is important because this cupcake is not designed to be uberly sweet.  Another key to this Maya chocolate fudge recipe, I think, is the candied orange zest, you can make your own here. They’re very easy to make so dont skip this part.

After you put it together, they’re really amazing. I couldn’t stop eating these little fudge cupcakes. Make sure you use the very small sizes (check the video for size reference) as although they’re so tasty, having a very big one can be overwhelming and I think I got a headache from overeating. Lol.

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