Beat the Heat: Safe Summer Workout Tips for Filipino Fitness Enthusiasts

Staying Safe and Fit in the Philippine Summer Heat Greetings fellow parents and guardians! It’s your favorite mom blogger April from here with a a few summer workout tips on staying active outdoors when the temperature and humidity are cranked up to 51°C . As we ease into the dog days of summer here in […]
Busy Mommy Fitness Goals -Is it doable?

How To Coordinate Your Family Obligations With Your Fitness Goals How time flies. January has come again! And despite what I usually say to my teen, that how you should start with any journey doesn’t have anything to do with the start of the week or the start of the year for that matter, January […]
5 Replenishing Foods You Should Be Eating Right After A Workout

Hangry: The state of being so hungry that it literally becomes infuriating otherwise known as a hybrid of hungry and angry. I don’t know about you, but for me, the post-workout hanger is real AF. I’m talking stomach-growling, don’t-talk-to-me irritability. Whether you feel like you could easily eat a family of five after your workout, […]
6 Small But Crucial Post Workout Mistakes

Everyone knows the feeling after a kickass workout is simply unbeatable. You feel strong AF, the endorphins are pumping, and TBH, you’re pretty much unstoppable. But you’ve probably heard the majority of your progress isn’t about what goes on inside the weight room; it’s also about the decisions you make post-workout. Personal trainer Greer Rothermel says […]