Slurp Up Comfort: This Chicken Sotanghon Noodles Soup is Hungry Family-Approved

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SlurpingUpNoodles: Sotanghon Soup is the Ultimate Comfort Food!

Chicken sotanghon noodles soup for the win! Moms are always on the hunt for easy, cozy meals to warm their bellies and souls on chilly evenings. As the chill in the air begins to deepen and the leaves change colors, nothing beats curling up with a big bowl of hot, homemade soup. One soup that’s long been a favorite in my household is sotanghon soup. With its delicate glass noodles and hearty, flavorful broth, it’s the perfect recipe to nourish both body and spirit.

Sotanghon, also known as cellophane or mung bean noodles, are the star ingredient in this Filipino chicken soup. The noodles add a satisfying texture without much substance – they practically melt in your mouth. Their sheerness allows the flavorful broth to truly shine. Paired with chicken, veggies, and aromatics like ginger and garlic, it creates a meal that warms you from the inside out.

What’s more, sotanghon soup also happens to be incredibly easy to make. While the ingredients list may look long, everything comes together quickly in one pot. I find using a pressure cooker for your chicken speeds things up even faster. Within an hour, you’ll be curling up with a hot bowl – no fuss required. It’s the perfect solution on busy days when you want something delicious and satisfying yet don’t feel like spending hours in the kitchen.

The other beauty of sotanghon soup is its flexibility – it’s endlessly customizable to your family’s tastes. Want to make it vegetarian? Swap out the chicken for firm tofu. Kids not into traditional Asian flavors? Omit the Asian greens and add their favorite veggies like carrots or corn instead. Always have leftover protein in the fridge? Feel free to toss it in. The gentle broth is highly adaptable without compromising the basic, comforting essence.

Beyond being an easy weeknight meal, this soup also makes for great leftovers. In fact, I find it tastes even better the next day after all the flavors have had more time to intermingle. Simply reheat individual portions in the microwave for a fast, filling lunch. It also freezes beautifully, so you can make a big batch and enjoy later on down the road when you need a taste of comfort.

My youngest, now aged 11, still requests chicken sotanghon noodles soup every chance they get. To them, it’s the ultimate in “food that makes you feel good.” I can’t deny it possesses unusual warmth and calm. Perhaps it’s the delicate yet nourishing quality that soothes both body and soul. On gray, chilly days especially, I find its mild flavors provide just the cozy solace I crave. No wonder it’s a staple in Filipino culture for bringing families together.

Whether you’re looking to warm up on a cold day or find an easy weeknight meal the whole family enjoys, sotanghon soup definitely deserves a spot in your soup repertoire. Give this classic Filipino recipe a try – I promise the slurping sounds emanating from your kitchen will be music to your ears!

Chicken Sotanghon Noodles Soup Recipe

This version has Achuete, which accounts for the vibrant orange hue. It’s a bit like the famous Quipao Sotanghon Noodle Soup. But the unique Quiapo twist comes from simmering pork head and bones instead of chicken. In this recipe we’re using chicken which is the traditional meat accompaniment for this Pinoy soup.

That’s it – an easy, comforting soup to warm your family on chilly nights.

familyfood #onepotsoup #instantpot #mondaymotivation

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