Expand Your Pinoy Meal Plan: How To Stretch Your Grocery Budget With Flour

Expand Your Pinoy Meal Plan: How To Stretch Your Grocery Budget With Flour 1

As parents, we’ve all been there – staring into our nearly empty cupboards wondering how we’re going to make dinner with just a handful of flour and some loose change rattling around in the jar. But did you know that flour could be your secret budgetary superpower? From pasta to pancakes, flour has the ability […]

Ulam for the Week: Easy Weekly Meal Planning

Ulam for the Week: Easy Weekly Meal Planning 3

TLDR: Effective meal planning, with a focus on preparation and variety, can significantly ease the weekly dinner rush, promoting both financial savings and healthier eating habits. #MealPrepping #HealthyEating #MenuPlanning #TimeManagement #FoodWasteReduction Ulam for the week problems? Hello fellow moms and parents! It’s April from Relax Lang Mom coming at you with tips and tricks to […]

Low Carb Meal Plan Week 3

Low Carb Meal Plan Week 3 5

This is the third week of our Low Carb Meal Plan. I already lost 1 kilo from 65 to 64. I know, not much, but it was a struggle so I’m celebrating my win! While I’m not as hungry as before and getting used to having no rice (read: not craving too), it feels like […]

Practical Low Carb Meal Plan Week 1 (Pinoy Favorites Edition)

Practical Low Carb Meal Plan Week 1 (Pinoy Favorites Edition) 6

Why I’m trying a Low Carb Meal Plan to lose weight I’m trying to lose weight. Yes! After years of being in denial, I’m finally admitting to myself that I have become fat. For those who believe that fat is a bad word, and body shaming is a sin, good for you gals. I fully […]

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