Marinated Pork Ribs BBQ in Mama Sita’s BBQ Marinade Sauce – An Easy Oven Baking Hack for Tired Moms

Easy BBQ Pork Ribs BBQ That’ll Satisfy the Whole Fam After a long day running kid taxi, the last thing moms want to do is spend hours marinating and slaving over ribs in the kitchen. But BBQ pork ribs are the ultimate crowd-pleasing one-dish wonder – especially when you cheat with store-bought marinade! Look, no […]
Finding Baking Supplies in Divisoria: My Fuss-Free Guide for Moms on a Budget

Dear fellow momshies, It’s almost Christmas and for moms who have a talent in baking, it just might be the time to start a small side business. So if you’re looking for budget-friendly baking supplies, Divisoria market in Manila is a treasure trove for both basic and commercial baking equipment, plus a variety of ingredients […]
How to Make Cake Without Oven: 6 ways of making a cake without an oven

Making cake without an oven? Yes! Have your cake and eat it too! I mention a lot of baking at Relaxlangmom, for non-oven owners, you probably think I’m a snob. But what I haven’t told you (probably because I always forget about it) is that before I had an oven (a hand me down from […]
Doing Home Bakeries The Right Way

Do you like to bake and feed other people? I am a member of so many food groups in Facebook and I am simply amazed at how moms even find the time to cook and home bake bread. If you like to bake and find you bake pastries, amazing cakes, sweets, and other goodies, if […]