Sisig Mackerel Recipe Na Pak Na Pak

Holy Mackerely! Mackerel fish could hold the secret to weight loss We all know that Mackerel Fish is healthy because as an oily fish, it has Omega 3 that could help prevent heart diseases, lower risk of diabetes, and control blood pressure levels. Mackerel also has much lower in Mercury than tuna. It is high in […]
Grilled Sinigang Pork Chops with Sinigang Mix Rub

Tired of your usual pan-fried pork chop? Use Sinigang Mix for a surprising tartness on your pork chops. You only need 4 ingredients to cook this pork chop dish.
Easy Pinoy Meal: Classic Filipino Chicken and Pork Adobo

I realize I have been remiss in posting this classic Chicken and Pork Adobo recipe in my blog. The Filipino adobo is such throw together and simmer affair that I always forget that maybe some people would require a recipe guide. Adobo is one of those Pinoy recipes that you can just open your fridge […]