How to make Banana Shake

How to make Banana Shake 1

Cool it with some banana shake today! How to make Banana Shake Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon instant coffee 1/4 cup hot water 1 pint vanilla ice cream 1 medium size banana, sliced 2 tablespoons sugar or to taste 1 cup crushed iced Instructions: Dissolve coffee in hot water. Set aside to cool. Put all ingredients in […]

How To Make Vietnamese Cold Brew Coffee

How To Make Vietnamese Cold Brew Coffee 3

This is series two of my #freshcoffeebeans series with @tgcsocialentrep, and Henry and Sons, the people behind the Bloom Coffee, a batch of coffee blends, each with a chosen campaign project like education, potable water, livelihood programs, scholarship, and health. Each bag sold donates a percentage of the proceeds to each particular project. My favorite […]

Soda Slushie

Soda Slushie 6

A fun soda experiment for the kids! Soda Slushie – Magisto I got the idea from Mr Cooking Panda below and I tried to see if it works. When I was younger I used to make a trip to 7-11 just for the slushie and well, turns out its so easy to make!    

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